We and “Them”

Harsh Sinha
11 min readJul 14, 2021


Photo from Mark Kolobaev from Artstation

Billion years ago, the universe was still young then and it had recently resurrected from the “Big Bang”. The universe had been recreated an uncountable number of times and there was no concept of life and intelligence in all these times. But this time it was different. It had created unusual round-shaped massive objects. These are called planets and stars now. Every planet has its own story. On one such planet, mysterious and unexplained things were happening. The planet's core elements were fusing and taking some unidentified shape, but this was happening very slowly. Moreover, there were only three of them. Millions of years passed the three objects were still evolving and with each evolution, there was a new part emerging from them. Finally, millions of years later the three primal celestial beings were formed. The universe had seen its first life form. The beings were powered by the same fuel which powered the stars and planets. When they came to senses after birth they started observing everything in the neighborhood. They do not know who they were, what was the place, and why they had come to their senses. Most importantly they were spellbound after seeing each other. They almost look the same.

After years of struggle and hit and trial they came up and accepted a communication bridge, a way to communicate between themselves. They called themselves Vedhase, Preksha, and Nihanta. With communication, came conflicts. They all had different purposes in their mind. Vedhase proposed to channel all the energies to make new life forms, Preksha and Nihanta were afraid that they could be overpowered by the new beings and might stop existing. The idea of life, death, power, happiness had recently came to their senses, and they were quite happy about their existence. So the idea of Vedhase was voted out by the other two. Nihanta proposed that they should instead look for other beings on different planets and destroy them. This was an aggressive approach and will lead to the only destruction so the other two discarded this idea. But they had to get their purposes clear, it was almost a thousand-year since they came to their senses. Preksha proposed a solution combining the ideas of Vedhase and Nihanta. It corroborated both Vedhase and Nihanta and presented a system. The system will work like this- Vedhase can create as much life as it wants by channeling its energy but should take care that all life forms should be weaker and they should live, reproduce and die in a short time. So Vedhase has to choose only those planets where the elements are just needed to support life and not to make them eternal. Preksha will score all the planets with life forms based on their living and whenever this score will pass a certain threshold or the planet starts becoming powerful, Nihanta will destroy that planet. Surprisingly Vedhase and Nihanta were convinced with Preksha’s proposition. So it was decided, Vedhase will become the creator, Preksha the watcher, and Nihanta the destroyer. All of them then set on their journey.

Vedhase started searching for the Goldilocks zones, where habitation can be possible and had a sufficient amount of elements just for a stable life form. There were millions of Goldilocks zones and Vedhase traveled to millions of planets. On each planet, he puts a tiny part(Ansh) of itself. The part would get the required minerals and elements from the planet, and life would thrive thereafter after millions of years of evolution. Vedhase had traveled for a billion years and had imparted life on more than a million planets. On each planet, he visited he was sure whether to pass on life or not. But on one he had Dilemma, Earth was young then, a billion-year-old, volcanos erupting everywhere, dust covering all the atmosphere. Vedhase had sensed a strong vibe from Earth, the elements seem powerful but it doubted that life could be possible here. And even life started it would be very fragile. But this strong vibe, it had never felt before, so it decided to pass on its Ansh to Earth, but this Ansh was slightly bigger than the others he had put before. Vedhase left the planet and continued his journey. After few years the Ansh left behind suddenly broke into two parts. One part continued the same old evolution, but the other part was behaving unusually, it had an uncanny resemblance with the very first three primal objects. In an unexplored area of Earth, it was evolving in the same way, fix sturdily in a position. On one hand, evolution on Earth was happening which lead to the existence of millions of flora and fauna, on the other, the fixed Ansh was slowly evolving without splitting and fixed in one position. 3 Billion years passed and the Ansh was taking the shape of a sapien, who had recently come into existence.

Preksha and Nihanta had also begun their work. Preksha had acquired one planet (planet Zorx) and educated the population there to help it make a system. The system will watch over millions of planets and score them. Preksha had a committee of wise people and with their help, it comes with scoring criteria for each planet. Every planet had its unique criteria depending upon the life form on the planet. For earth for Example, some of the many parameters can be quality of life, wars, love, corruption, knowledge, superiority, etc. With the advent of Human existence, Earth has always been near the threshold of the score, but luckily never crossed it. Many planets have surpassed the threshold and had to face annihilation from Nihanta. After obliterating millions of planets, Nihanta feels a neutral emotion now. It sees it as its purpose so it has to be done.

(Earth, somewhere in The Himalayas, 1990)

The original Vedhase’s Ansh was still evolving in some unexplored parts of the Himalayas. The evolution was almost complete and the human-shaped body was about to come to its senses. It had a resemblance with a human baby who was just born. There was one village unknown to the outer world in the vicinity, with only a couple of dozen or so huts. The people in the village lived a peaceful and happy life dependent on farming and plantation. One of the residents of the village named Kirat was out for a stroll in the outskirts of the village to collect some seeds from a certain tree. Kirat lived with his wife Meera. On his way, he saw some wild dogs barking at something. He got closer to have a clear view. It was a baby, he threw stones at the dogs to scare them, little that he knows the dogs were actually afraid of the human-shaped baby. Kirat was surprised to see a baby in such a deserted area. The Vedhase’s Ansh had just come to its senses and actually had the same emotion as any baby. He was confused, curious, and a little scared seeing Kirat. As soon as Kirat approached to lift him, there was a sudden increase in heat and light. It seems to be originating from the baby. Kirat felt that his whole body is burning, in fact, his every cell. And in a matter of seconds, his whole body got evaporated and he has vanished completely. It was done unknowingly but this was a very unfortunate event, after this Vedhase’s Ansh had now lowered his energy and had calmed down.

Meera was worried for her husband, Kirat hadn’t come home in 24hrs. She along with few villagers started searching for Kirat in the nearby areas. For two days they search but there was no sign of Kirat. Slowly the villagers retracted, but Meera kept on looking and went further far from the village, she was not ready to believe that her husband was dead or had left her. On her search, she saw a baby in the middle of nowhere. She was surprised and afraid. Meera moved toward the baby to hold it. The baby was calm and composed, it settled easily on Meera’s lap. Meera thought this was an act of God, that God has sent this child to her. She stopped looking for Kirat, thought he had left her, and returned to the village with the baby.

She named the baby “Akutra”(meaning coming from nowhere). She loved the baby as if he was her own child, even the whole village accepted the child and treated him with tenderness. Akutra was growing like a normal human child. Meera was teaching Akutra about everything, their culture, God, humans, etc. Akutra may look like a normal child, but he was not, inside him was a power greater than a star. But Akutra was unaware of this power, maybe it wasn’t needed in the village, they all live very peacefully. Akutra was a curious child and nobody could guess what was going inside his head, not even his mother. After all, he was no ordinary human, in fact not a human at all. Akutra loved his mother and trusted her. He believed in all the things his mother has taught. Her mother had taught him to live in peace and harmony and help fellow humans when needed. As Akutra aged, his curiosity increased, he wanted to know more about everything but he was confined to a small village within a few acres. At age 20, he decided to travel, he had now grown to a young and strong man. His mother was reluctant about this idea, as she does not want to lose her child. But Akutra was sturdy in his decision, he also does not want to separate from his mother, but his head was filled with questions. He started to feel like he did not know himself completely. The gist of his true nature was slowly coming to his head. So he went on a journey towards the south hoping to find answers.

Oh his journey, he took frequent stops and spends most of the time meditating in dense forests and craggy mountains. He was surprised by his own thinking power and sometimes was drown in his own thoughts, unable to distinguish between what is real and what a dream. Slowly in solitude, he started to realize his true form and capabilities. An unexplained heat and energy started coming from him, he got frightened from this amount of energy. Grasses and trees near him started disintegrating and vanishing. He was not able to control it. Weird thoughts started to come to his mind, he remembered an incident. The memory was somewhat obscure, he saw a man disintegrating into the air in the same way things were disintegrating now near him. Meera had already told Akutra about how he was found when she was searching for Kirat her husband. Akutra was almost certain that the man in his dream was Kirat. He was devasted by this thought, that he had killed his mother’s husband. After few hours he started to calm down. He decided to learn and control his power so that he did not harm anyone in the future. He started practicing in an isolated mountain with no living creature in miles of that area. Within a few months, he started to get the gist of his powers. After practicing for a year, he decided to travel further south towards India.

(Planet Zorx, 2011)

On Planet Zorx, Earth was not doing so well on the scoring system. It could cross the cutoff anytime. Preksha was watching these numbers closely. Preksha’s committee has to prepare a report before declaring a planet for annihilation. They were preparing a report for Earth, which contains a comprehensive analysis of all negative factors like war, death, disease, corruption, etc. The report was then sent to Preksha for approval. After reviewing it thoroughly Preksha decided to approve it. Earth had crossed his cutoff score. Nihanta was summoned, to go Earth and start its annihilation. Nihanta left for Earth.

(Earth, 2011)

It was a normal day on Earth, people were doing usual things. But there were some reports of seeing an unidentified flying object in central India. Reporters from all over the world aired that object on live television. That object was indeed Nihanta. This was airing everywhere from radios to televisions. Some people were scared of this and some thought of it as God. At that time Akutra was in a small town in Central India. He also glanced at Nihanta at a television in a shop. He instantly knew something was off. Nihanta was emitting the same type of energy as Akutra has. Nihanta emitted massive radiation, it all got recorded in the camera before the camera was blown, and everything near it within 10 miles. Akutra saw all this on television and was surprised. He was just like Nihanta. He got the feeling that Nihanta was doing this on purpose and planned the destruction of Earth. Akutra remembered his mother, his village, and all those people who cared about him. He recalled his mother's teaching. Though he knew he was different from all humans and did not belong with them but Earth was his home, and he could not see its annihilation. Only he could confront Nihanta.

The military was trying its best to resist Nihanta, but they were no match for it. Akutra arrived at the war zone, Nihanta was astonished to see him. Nihanta knew instantly that he was no ordinary species. Both were glaring at each other intensely. Akutra asked it to surrender. Nihanta laughed at his proposition. Though Akutra was also a celestial being, he had very little chance over Nihanta. All those uncountable years of destroying and annihilation had made Nihanta the greatest warrior in the Universe, on the other hand, Akutra was still young. But Akutra was ready to give his all in the fight. The brawl began and with each collision of fists, supersonic waves were emitted. This was the first time in history that two celestial beings clashed. Nihanta was not using his full power but he was not backing down either. Akutra was trying to take this fight away to an isolated place to lower the casualties.

The anomaly on Earth had come to Preksha’s notice. Vedhase was also informed, they meet to discuss solutions for this. The collision of two celestial beings is not good. They are immortals and the fight could last years. They decided to go to Earth. Meanwhile on Earth, the tussle was becoming more and more devastating. Neither Akutra nor Nihanta was backing down. Surprisingly, Akutra was able to cope up with Nihanta’s wrath.

Preksha and Vedhase finally arrived on Earth. They halted the fight. All four settled to talk. Preksha told Akutra about the Universe system and how Earth has passed the max score, and it needs to get annihilated. Akutra was not ready to accept this. Preksha asked him- “Why are you so ardent to save Earth, I have monitored this planet personally and they are always at war among themselves, corruption is at peak, and people's minds are filled with sins”. Akutra replied- “I don’t know about all, but I was always treated well here, I had a family which took care of me even though I didn’t belong there. I have become emotionally attached here, I cannot watch its destruction”. The primals were confused, they were never attached to anything, and they only see their existence as to fulfill and maintain a system for the universe. And they do want to change their principle. But Akutra was also a Celestial, so they had to consider his request. Preksha, Vedhase, and Nihanta discussed among themselves to counter this situation, they knew the seriousness of the situation. They decided to take leverage of this. They proposed to Akutra that they would spare Earth but in return, he has to serve them forever and leave Earth and go with them. Akutra had no choice but to accept this.

Before leaving he wanted to meet his mother, so he went to his village. All these incidents had spread to his village also. He told his mother about the whole situation. He also told about Kirat, that how he had unknowingly killed him, and that Kirat never left him. He cried and apologized to his mother. Meera did not get any hard feelings, he was his son how can she. She blessed Akutra and told him not to forget her. He hugged her mother and said “Never”. Akutra left and after few months everything was normal on Earth and humans never knew who saved them.



Harsh Sinha
Harsh Sinha

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